Courses for Children up to 1 Year
Courses for Children up to approximately 1 year
You will find courses with us that provide knowledge and safety in handling the baby, strengthen parenting skills, or simply bring joy. The following course offerings are available for children up to 1 year:
- PEKiP (The Prague Parent Child Programme) (English or German)
- Baby Massage (German - basic german knowledge sufficient)
- "SpielRaum" according to Emmi Pikler" (German - basic german knowledge sufficient)
PEKiP in english
The Prague Parent-Child Program is an offering for parents who aim to actively accompany their child's development during the first year of life. In a warm environment, children can move spontaneously without restrictive clothing. Based on their developmental stage, they are offered play and movement activities.
The focus is on responding to the needs of the children. Through observation, it becomes clear that each child has their own rhythm, exhibits different behaviors, and develops in their own unique way. Through early pre-verbal sounds, mutual smiles, and touching, children establish connections with other babies and gain experience in interacting with peers. Parents have the opportunity to exchange their new experiences as parents and to obtain information from the course instructor on parenting and health issues.
PEKiP courses group together children of similar ages, who ideally should stay together for about a year. For this reason, the 10-week courses are continued until the end of the child's first year of life. The number of participants in the groups is limited to ensure high quality.
PEKiP can be started as early as eight weeks after birth. Of course, joining later during the first year of life is also possible.
The courses are led by a certified PEKiP instructor. We offer courses in both German and English.
Cost for 10 sessions of 90 minutes each: 140 euros.
Teacher: Leah Krieg
She grew up in Italy with a Swiss mother and American father. For many years, she worked as an English-language kindergarten teacher here in Berlin. Leah is a certificated PEKiP® facilitator. She is a mum of two daughters.
Further information to what PEKiP is.
Baby Massage (Not currently taking place, only in the second half of the year))
For Your Baby's Well-Being
Baby massage is a wonderful way to foster closeness with your child. The shared time of touching and being touched can help connect and strengthen the relationship with your child. Massage goes far beyond the purely physical sensation – it is nourishment for the soul. The intense attention provides comfort, joy, and the feeling of being loved.
Help with Sleep Issues, Colic, and Other Discomforts
Baby massage can help with colic, digestive problems, and restlessness. Blood circulation, the immune system, the cardiovascular system, respiration, and digestion all benefit from baby massage. The gradual coordination and strengthening of muscles are supported through baby massage. If your baby is signaling discomfort, massage can help to locate the cause and provide prompt and effective relief, especially when the child is beginning to walk and falls and bruises may accompany their first clumsy steps.
Our baby massage courses follow the guidelines of the German Society for Baby and Child Massage e.V. and costs 85.00 euros. A course consists of five sessions of 90 minutes each and is suitable for babies up to crawling age. To participate in a course, your baby should be at least 4 weeks old.
Thursdays 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
"SpielRaum" according to Emmi Pikler
The Hungarian pediatrician Emmi Pikler has impressively demonstrated that a child's natural movement development and joy in independent play can unfold undisturbed when it can be active in a carefully prepared environment without being guided or "pushed."
"It is essential that the child discovers as many things as possible on its own. If we assist it in solving all tasks, we deprive it of precisely what is most important for its mental development. A child who achieves something through independent experiments acquires a completely different type of knowledge than one to whom the solution is readily provided." - Emmi Pikler
The course offers children between four months and two years the opportunity to follow their interest in movement, play, contact, and balance in a stimulating environment.
For parents, there is enough space to share in their children's experiences, their joy of life, to find calmness themselves, and to appreciate the remarkable competence with which infants and toddlers follow their developmental paths and find solutions to self-imposed tasks. Questions about children's development, their care, communication with them, as well as with older siblings, grandparents, and other involved adults, can be addressed in the course and in accompanying parent evenings. This allows the needs and desires of children and parents to be brought closer together.
The course instructor, Renée Oswald has been interested in the approach of free movement development by Emmi Pikler and Elfriede Hengstenberg for many years.
Cost for 10 sessions of 90 minutes each: 110.00 Euros